Friday, 5 August 2011

Facebook Scams and Spams and How It Annoys The Hell Out Of Me

First of all...apa itu scam dan spam??

A scam(particularly an internet one)is a type of method through internet services intended to deceive its users into giving up or exposing personal information such as your email adress and such(FB kan banyak store our info semua).Berbeza ngan spam(though both are equally damn annoying)in which a spam is the abuse of electronic messaging system(including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages towards the mass.

Apa yang sungguh tak best and annoying pasal FB scams ni??

Situasinya begini....
Anda sedang log in dalam FB,hati sungguh gumbira melihat speech bubble kaler merah yg comel ini
di ruang notification..Ooh!Ada 4 empat notification!*cepat2 click nak tau pasal pe...then...then..empat2 notification pasal bende2 alah camni..*"Cis..ingatkan ade orang comment and puji gambar default baru upload tadi"katamu bermonolog..
Being naive and decided to try the link..Tapi ikut logik,sape la rajin sangat nak make tshirts and send them to like..everyone in the whole wide world!??Gila kaya and baik hati orang FB nak buat amal jariah kasi tshirt kat semua user die for free..Turns out,its actually a scam in which die amik our details cam email address etc semua then kasi semak news feed group2 and thus acting as a spam.Maka..the cycle goes on and on and on kasi semak notifications kat FB and thus annoying people like me.

Atas tu mukadimah je though..What I'm trying to say is that,please people..Jangan gullible sangat percaya the crap you see on FB..Like the famous dislike button..Ade sebab FB people tak buh the button..Cause the dislike button can make people jadi really mean..If you like it,then press the button lorr..if you don't,GTFO.

I'm not the right person to be reviewing such scams since I'm not an expert in computers and such but I did do a little research and I came across a few websites that can be looked into as a reference pertaining this matter.

Kasi 3 je...The rest go cari sendiri lah:)

Lagi satu,I get annoyed at event invitations pasal how to see who viewed your profile thingie..
Today ade,tomorrow ade..haih..Please don't turn FB into Myspace..I know semua eager nak tau sape secretly stalk their profile and all.Normal human behaviour cause there's always a vain persona in every individual tapi please don't libatkan others.So not cool..Can timbulkan a lot of misunderstandings too when you find out about the people and the number of times they stalk/view your profile.Plus, it makes stalking less fun :)

Bottom line is..don't easily fall for the crap you see on the internet...Just a reminder so that none of your personal information and all ends up in the wrong hands.

p/s: Ini peringatan buat tuan empunya blog juga:) 

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